Spiritual Life Church of God In Christ
214.792.9931 | 214.792.9964.
Late Assistant Supt. Willie J. Brown
Late Assistant Supt. Willie J. Brown



While in prayer in his home the Lord spoke to Elder Brown and said Go and work out a church. He started looking for a building. When Elder Brown heard that Bishop Haynes was moving his church to Saintsville, he went to Bishop Haynes and asked him to rent Wheatly to him. Bishop Haynes asked was he serious about working out a church, when Elder Brown said yes, Bishop Haynes asked if he had any members, Elder Brown said no. Bishop Haynes told Elder Brown he could not handle the payments on Wheatly, but that he had something that Elder Brown might be able to handle.


On February 4, 1979 Spiritual Life C.O.G.I.C was born. Superintendent Camon Collins was placed in Wheatly and Elder W. J. Brown was placed in Collins Chapel. The Lord told Elder Brown to name the church Spiritual Life C.O.G.I.C. The first service was held that day and the Lord blessed us in a mighty way. The first message was preached to his wife, six kids, and his brother.


In 1991, the Lord said to Elder Brown it’s time to remodel the building and bring it up to a modern building. We had lots of problems but we didn’t stop, we prayed and the Lord gave us direction. The bank turned us down for a loan because the building was still in the name of Collins Chapel; in order to get it transferred to the name of Spiritual Life C.O.G.I.C we had to purchase the building from Collins Chapel C.O.G.I.C.

When we got everything together the membership was more determined to go ahead with the remodeling. He called the members together and told them what the Lord had given him. The members were ready to work. While the work was being done the Lord said for the church to pray.


The flood came and it hit us three times. At one time the water was three feet high inside the building. When the water went down the members came together and cleaned the church out and we started back having service. The lord kept us together as we prayed, and we worked until the remodeling was completed. Thank God we made it!  “God did it because we let Him”. The church was built because the people had a mind to work. We are few in members but the Lord built the church. The Lord said to Elder Brown as he prayed,” Let me build the building”, A millionaire called a few days later and said he wanted to make a donation to the church. Elder Brown said ok; the millionaire gave the church 100 shares of 7 Eleven Corporation which was sold and we received $7,545. It was miracles such as this the Lord work for us that caused us to do the work that has been done here. Thank the members for standing together in the time of crisis, through the flood, through the good times as well as the bad times. The Lord blessed us to build a building that was appraised for $180.000. Thank God. This building was designed by Elder W. J. Brown; it was also built by him.


Missionary Fannie L. Brown
Missionary Fannie L. Brown

Missionary Fannie L. Brown


Missionary Fannie L. Rudd-Brown was born on December 18, 1945 in Elysian Fields, Texas out of eight children she is the sixth child. Her parents are John K. and Alleane Rudd. She was the member of Elysian Fields Baptist Church, where she was raised up. She was faithful in the church, loved Sunday School, BTU, and sung in the choir. In 1964, she graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and moved to Dallas, Texas in 1966 and married her high school sweetheart and to this union six children were born four boys and two daughters Anthony, Frances, Fredrick, Randy, Darnetta and James. In March 1967 on Fishtrap and Calpso there was a street service going on, my sister Charlene Arkansas and I went to the street service. The Lord dealt with Sister Arkansas in a dream for us to go to Galilee Church of God in Christ where the Lord saved us that night and filled us with the Holy Ghost, and Missionary Brown served faithfully.


Missionary Brown became a member of the Baldwin Chapel Church of God in Christ under the leadership of the late Pastor Supt. Jack Baldwin. She served as the President of the Youth Usher Board, Sunday School Teacher, and Vice- President of the Y.W.C.C, Adult Choir President, work with the Pastor & Wife Anniversary. Missionary Brown served faithfully in everything that was placed in her hands.


In February of 1979, she became the 1st Lady of Spiritual Life Church of God in Christ on Bexar Street. She served as the President of the Youth Department, Choir President, Superintendent of Sunday School for 25 years, and President of the Women Department.

She graduated from Southern Bible Institute and continued her education at Mountain View College, graduated from BTS Health Care of Dallas and worked in the nursing field for 11 years. Missionary Brown served as the Sunshine Band President under leadership of the Late Camon Collins in the Wheatley District, President of the Minister Wives under the leadership of the Late Supt. Travis Canon in South Dallas District, Sunday School Field Representatives, Secretary to the District Missionary Cathy Collins-Green of the Women Department under Supt F. G. Sowells of the Eastside District.


Missionary Brown worked faithfully with her husband the Late Assistant Supt. Willie J. Brown for 32 years at Spiritual Life Church of God in Christ. But now working with her son Pastor Fredrick Brown as the mother of the church. Missionary Brown is now serving the Rose Hill District under Supt R. L. Smith. She served as the Secretary to District Missionary Cleo Howard and now Missionary Brown is now the District Missionary of the Rose Hill District.


Her two favorite scriptures are “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness’; and all these things shall be added unto you’. Matthew 6:33 and “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work,’ John 9:4. Everything she does it is done to the Glory and Honor of Glory.